hohoho upcoming fanfiction maybe? ᄏ

waah habis hujan deres nih. kebetulan pas lagi hujan, gue lagi di gedung tempat tetangga kawinan. iseng, gue buka-buka hp dan liat gambar. terpampanglah foto badut ayam yang lagi liat poster JYJ Jaejoong. keliatannya miris gimana gitu ᄒᄒ terus dengan makin iseng, gue crop dan flip foto ayam itu jadi ngadep ke kiri. (tadinya si ayam ngadep ke kanan masbro)

teruuus, gue liat-liat lagi galeri. wahaaaaa, ada suami gue bertengger manis. siapa lagi kalau bukan ONEW ᄏᄏᄏ yang bisa digarisbawahi adalah chicken maniac.terus, dengan bermodalkan impian sejak dahulu kala, akhirnya gue menyatukan foto badut ayam dan foto Onew gue yang sangatamatimutsehinggapengendicium ini. yaah, antara rela dan ga rela ya nyatuinnya *sigh* malahan gue berandai-andai kalau gue jadi badut ayamnya-.-

nah, disaat lagi edit-edit itu, batre hp gue udah sekarat. LED nya udah orange gitu. sedih deh. terus dalem hati udah doa aja 'semoga gak mati total, amin.' daan, yihaaa, nggak mati looohhhh. cihuy. dan akhirnya editannya jadi deeeeh. mau liat mau liat? monggoo~~~

(saya pengen jadi ayamnya. jujur. mau jadi badut ayam yang diatas boleh. jadi ayam yang dimakan sama onew juga boleh. tapi asikan jadi manusia sih. eksistensi sebagai shawolnya lebih keliatan sama onew. haha)

dan otak fanfict mulai bekerja. awalnya gue hanya menghayal seandainya gue jadi badut ayamnya. terus otak ini semakin berpikir untuk membuat fanfict huohohoh kayaknya seru nih.

terus, gue langsung bbm nikita. gue kirimin foto editannya. terus terjadilah conv ini

gue: bisa bikin ff romance dari foto ini?
niki: bisa
gue:(dalem hati) gece abis
niki: gue langsung dapet ide day

dan blablablabla kita membicarakan konsepnya. huahhahahahahah manstap (y)

tapi utang ff gue masih bejibun masbro. masih ada utang taeminki (cie minki jadi noona ᄏ), terus ff yang gue aul afi bikin di di raffles bridge (atau apalah itu namanya) setelah swcsg, dan ff nya si byeol-minho. nyaaaaaa masih banyaaaaaaak. sequel guitarist aja belom selesai T_T hadooohhh dipertoloooong. jadi... ff yang si badut ayam ini pending yaaa hahahah-..-

gak nyambung ya sama judulnya? sabodo teuing-.-

auamat ah. bye, mau lanjutin guitarist duyuuuu. Jinki Hyunsa Ahra masih menunggu untuk diselesaikan. hahahhaha

bye. wassalam.


ps: give up buat read more nya. lupa caranya banget -.-

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The Legend of Telaga Warna

Long time ago there was a kingdom in west java named Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan was a prosperous and peaceful kingdom because the King was very wise. He was Prabu Suwartalaya and his wife, Queen Purbamanah. Everyone in Kutatanggeuhan lived peacefully, but sadly, the King and the Queen didn’t have child yet. The royal advisor said that they should adopted a child. But, they rejected it. They always prayed to God and finally the Queen was pregnant. The people were very happy and gave many presents to kingdom.

9 months later, the baby was born. Her name was Gilang Rukmini. The King and the Queen were very happy. They gave everything that she wanted. And the princess became really spoiled. in her 17th birthday, the king went to jewelry craftsman and ask him to made a beautiful necklace from gold for the princess. The craftsman, with pleasure, made the necklace for her. After the necklace had finished, the king gave it to the princess. The princess glance at it and suddenly throw the necklace . the gold and the diamond was spread on the floor. She said that the necklace was so ugly and she didn’t like it at all. The queen was very upset and cried. She didn’t expect that the princess would do that. The atmosphere was very quiet. Then people in Kutatanggeuhan started to cry. Suddenly water came out from the ground. No one could stop it. The kingdom started to sink and finally it turned into a lake.

Nowadays, in a sunny day, we can see the lake is full with beautiful colors. It comes from the shade of forest, plants, flowers around the lake. But, the people said, it comes from the necklace that Gilang Rukmini threw.

(this is the picture of telaga warna in west java. 정말예뻐~)

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